Bar Food Blowout NYC, food, illustrationcathie urushibataFebruary 11, 2014Bar Food Blowout, Brooklyn, DJ Radical Dads, Jeepney, Maharlika, NYC, Pork Slope, foodComment
Mice to Monsters NYC, art, gallery, illustrationcathie urushibataJune 26, 2012440 Gallery, Brooklyn, cathie u., children's illustration, illustration Comments
Call for artists NYC, art, gallery, illustrationcathie urushibataApril 24, 2012440 Gallery, Brooklyn, NYC, art, illustrationComment
walking the Brooklyn Bridge NYC, photographycathie urushibataMarch 29, 2012Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridge, New York, Photography Comment
Video Monday: Hello Brooklyn NYC, typography, videocathie urushibataMay 23, 2011Brooklyn, Hello Brooklyn, Jay Z, New York, videoComment
williamsburg street art NYC, art, photographycathie urushibataApril 5, 2011Brooklyn, Photography, Williamsburg, art, graffitiComment
Call for artists!! NYC, art, gallerycathie urushibataOctober 6, 2009440 Gallery, Brooklyn, artComment